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Ufologie & Paranormal


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Ufologie & Paranormal

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Light Being Icon_minitime1Hier à 22:02 par Franck1973

» Quand des Extraterrestres annoncent la fin du monde... et rien ne se passe
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» La France en 2024
Light Being Icon_minitime1Dim 20 Oct - 9:55 par Schattenjäger

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» Congrès ufologique 5 et 6 octobre 2024
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» L’Iceberg des Sectes les plus Malsaines !
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» Des morts au téléphone ? Les étranges coups de fil d’un proche après son décès
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» L'étrange AFFAIRE des cerveaux "mangés"
Light Being Icon_minitime1Mer 9 Oct - 17:19 par Schattenjäger

» Décés de Gildas Bourdais
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» Les mythes vikings
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» Notre-Dame de Paris : l'enquête interdite
Light Being Icon_minitime1Jeu 3 Oct - 21:32 par Schattenjäger

» Les ET vus par JAMY de "c'est pas sorcier" !
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» La géométrie sacrée de la France
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» Bientôt un docu sur Marius Dewilde à la télévision
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» Enquête sur les expériences de mort imminente : l’histoire vraie de l’EMI qui a sauvé une v
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Light Being


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Light Being Empty Light Being

Message par Schattenjäger Lun 22 Déc - 17:43

Since August of 2007, we have been cataloging photographs and videos, and have been absolutely compelled to get out and capture this phenomenon since last August in all weather conditions because of its incredible nature. We photographed this Light Being in my front yard over a year ago (11/7/07)--, along with many other spirit and unexplained phenomena.

The images appear in various shapes and sizes, and also seem to be making what look like “Aerial Crop Circles”. We have spoken with many individuals in the paranormal field and they feel these are related to the changes in the earth's atmosphere and more photonic energy entering our planet. We can feel their presence and believe they are “Benevolent Spirits” here to help our planet at a time in history where it is desperately needed.

Many of the images appear to be very Mayan looking in their appearance which leads me to believe, did the Mayan civilization really have it right? Will the year 2012 be what so many are now predicting, as the Mayan Civilization previously did? The patterns of “Sacred Geometry” are absolutely incredible. We would welcome any information or possible interpretation for study to see if these beings could be sending messages for humanity at a time where help is so badly needed in the world.

Linda & Larry

Light Being LightBeing122108a
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Nombre de messages : 2730

Light Being Empty Re: Light Being

Message par alpacks Lun 22 Déc - 18:18

c'est le retour du ptit lutin mais over too flashy de noël ? What a Face
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La date/heure actuelle est Mer 23 Oct - 0:33