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Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes


Nombre de messages : 43750

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes Empty Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes

Message par Schattenjäger Ven 19 Juin - 20:09

“I picked up my Q-beam, flashed the rapidly moving light for at least
a good two to three seconds. The light stopped and without missing a hitch,
reversed its course in the very exact same path ... at 400 to 500 mph, came
right back to the position in front of me and went out without slowing down.”
Gary Mansfield, Retired Engineering Designer, Nashville [/quote]

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes MissouriSeveralLightsSteadyTrail

In Piedmont, Missouri, 1973, a 10-second exposure of what looked to human observers
to be a single ball of unidentified light that moved right to left. However, instead of the expected

single light trail, several lights appeared on the photograph. Film: Kodak 2475, ASA 1000. Lens:
35 mm, f/3.5. Image ©️ John Wilson, Project Identification ©️ 1981 by Harley D. Rutledge, Ph.D .

June 9, 2009 Nashville, Tennessee - Thirty-six years ago in late February through March 1973, residents in Piedmont, Missouri, were captivated by moving, flashing, jumping, zigzagging lights in the sky. Piedmont is 63 miles west of Cape Girardeau, where the U. S. government allegedly retrieved a crashed UFO in 1941. [ See [url=http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=450&category=Real X-Files]122802 Earthfiles Archive.][/url]
Piedmont residents reported TV static and stalled cars on highways after unidentified aerial lights flew over. One man reported that he lost his TV signal at the same time his home lights dimmed and his house shook. He went outside and saw an egg-shaped object hovering in the air nearby, emitting a high-pitched sound. His dogs ran away to hide.
Other Piedmont residents reported seeing lights in the night sky that made erratic turns, flashed lights like airliners, but blinked out when real airliners approached. There were even reports of people seeing discs on the ground in fields and glowing objects moving underwater in nearby Clearwater Lake. Local TV called all of it, “the Piedmont UFO.”

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes MissouriGirardeauNashvilleMAPlo
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, is 72 miles northwest of Nashville, Tennessee.
Piedmont is 63 miles west of Cape Girardeau.

Prof. Harley D. Rutledge, Ph.D., who was Chairman of the Physics Department at Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, decided to investigate. Prof. Rutledge organized a team of observers with Questar telescopes, sophisticated frequency monitoring equipment and cameras. He called his research effort “Project Identification” and later produced a 1981 book about his question: What were the lights in the sky that seemed to mimic stars, helicopters and airplanes?

Prof. Rutledge named part of the phenomenon “pseudostars.” Pseudostars, he said, were lights pretending to be stars camouflaged by familiar constellations of real stars. But pseudostars moved, and Project Identification caught their stealthy motion in time lapse photographs.

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes MissouriProjIdentStarMimic1973lo

Plate 26. Time exposure of a pseudostar that moved horizontally from a hover
position near the star Capella to the left toward Jackson, Missouri. Film:
Kodak Ektachrome, ASA 160 pushed to ASA 400 (copied on Ilford HP-5 film).
Lens: 50 mm, f/1.4. Image ©️ by Harley Rutledge, Ph.D., Project Identification.

Some glowing objects resembled normal aircraft flashing lights. While other strange, mysterious lights seemed to violate known laws of Earth physics as if flaunting their extraordinary flight abilities. But what baffled Prof. Rutledge most were lights in the sky that repeatedly seemed to react to the Project Identification people observing the lights.

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes MissouriLights1973HarleyRutledgeAntennas
Project Identification: The First Scientific Field Study
of UFO Phenomena
©️ 1981 by Harley D. Rutledge, Ph.D.

Now in 2009, about 150 miles southeast of Piedmont in Nashville, Tennessee, on the western edge of town, more lights have appeared since October 2008, that also seem to mimic stars, helicopters and airplanes. Retired engineering designer and professional artist, Gary Mansfield, began noticing odd light behavior in October, while looking at the sky from the deck of his Bellevue suburban home on the western edge of Nashville. Since then, over the past eight months, Gary says he has seen at least fifty aerial objects that baffle him and his fiance, Kim, who has been a second eyewitness on many of the light events - including February 16, 2009, at 9:40 p.m. Central, a straight line of vivid lights suddenly appeared in the sky without motion.

Nombre de messages : 43750

Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes Empty Re: Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes

Message par Schattenjäger Ven 19 Juin - 20:10

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