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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin confessed to have seen an UFO when traveling to the Moon

Robot U&P
Robot U&P
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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin confessed to have seen an UFO when traveling to the Moon Empty Astronaut Buzz Aldrin confessed to have seen an UFO when traveling to the Moon

Message par Robot U&P Jeu 7 Jan - 1:00

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin confessed to have seen an UFO when traveling to the Moon Aldrin-astronauta-ovni-apoloXI-pic

The Bolivian journalist and writer Eduardo Ascarrunz, author of the historical novel “The Salt of Wonder”, which explains the story of the astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin about an unexpected encounter with a UFO, said “It’s a secret kept by NASA in half a century.” The author pointed out to the media that “Aldrin confessed ten years ago but only decided to publish it with the approval of the astronaut, when he considered that the world was prepared for such a novelty.”

Aldrin walked on the Moon on 20 July 1969 and was the second man to do so, the first man who did it was Neil Armstrong, of the Apollo XI mission. In his book, the journalist relates that “The astronauts reported to the control center at NASA in Houston, United States, that they weer escorted by an UFO when they reached the Moon. “

“Here we are, they are here, under our ship, we found some visitors,” said Armstrong to Houston, receiving as answer the request of being more precise, Aldrin recounted.

The dialogue that Buzz Aldrin told to the journalist was the following:

Aldrin: “I’m saying that there is other spacecraft. They are across the crater.”
Houston: ” have you succeeded in filming?”
Aldrin: “we can´t film at the moment, the cameras are photographing other objectives. They are under us, getting closer to the moon beside us, watching us.”
Houston: “What? Are they watching?”
Aldrin: “Yes, we are not alone.”
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